It's from my two very very super super good friends: Xeing and Suzanna. I am ever so happy for them when they break the news to me. I'm glad that they managed to find happiness and the one in their life. Seeing them leading a happy life with the one they love made me turned green in envy. But good envy not bad. How could I ever have bad thoughts about a friend that I've known for 10years and 15years?? omg i didn't realised that we've been friends for THAT long already.
Hearing Xeing tell her story on how her boyfriend voiced out his opinion or so-called pre-proposal to her totally touched my heart, deeply. Although it's said from her side of version it could already made me feel like crying - like as if i'm watching some Korean drama. I've heard alot of her problems with her boyfriend and what kind of person her boyfriend is and it totally skipped my mind and gave me a shock how he managed to say out such touching and beautiful speech like that to vow her. To be honest, I've looked down on him and I take this chance to sincerely apologise to him. I only want my zhi mui to be happy and now I think she's one lucky girl. I wished he (my bf, not hers) would present and vow me with a beautiful touching speech too. *Sigh*
This is the lucky girl I've been talking about.

Our faces looked like we're too fat to fit into the lens. wtf!? Oh.. the one at the far left is another zhi mui, Veron.
Suzanna, my darling kentutz! We have known each other for as long as we could remember. We evolve together from a 7 year old girl to where and what we are today. We have both seen the ugly sides or faces of each other, ponteng tuition together, lepak together, and did alot of silly things together-gether. She's one crazy bestie and also a crazy girlfriend. No wonder Azlan or kawan-dari-Klang (that's what I call him) love her so much. They've been together for more than 7years and they both absolutely make a perfect couple together. Malay version of proposal is totally different from Chinese, thus I need to get in details about their procedures first. "I'm so sorry my laling I couldn't accompany you to Bandung to buy your wedding's preparations modules. i promise I'll make it up to you k? Miss you alot lar!! Bila nak lepak nie??"
See, we got same long straight hair. =p
And this is what I meant by she's crazy.
Somehow writing all these made me sound like I'm so desperate to get marry. I'M NOT K?? Erm... ok lar, maybe a little. But hey! That doesn't mean I'm desperate ok.. who doesn't want to be with the one they love forever and ever happily ever after? A fairytale ending is every girls' dream and I'm just a simple girl.