We reached the Sunway Amphitheatre like, even before sunrise. Standing at the amphitheatre at 5 in the morning surely is scary. Dim lights and scary sounds coming out from the petting zoo really isn't a nice place to explore. Having not getting any sleep at all the night before, me and dear was completely worn out by the time the event started. I was there, kaypoh-ing, running here and there, lepak-ing at the back stage, peeping from the backdrop at the huge swarm of people wearing the same colour shirt doing the "happy feet" dance, was kind of fun.
The crowd this year was easily a few hundreds. Most of them came with their families, some even came with their babies in the pram (those obviously we know what's their motive being here), and some even came wearing jeans and slippers. Through this kind of event, we could see all sort of kiasu people. But what I anticipated to see most was the strokists. Most of them were elderlys, some in wheelchairs. What I respected them the most is their confidence, their positive thinkings, and their enthusiasm in taking part. No matter how difficult it is they can still go through it and finish the walk; win or not. In the other hand, I have to say, I am ashamed of those normal people like us, who were actually arguing about who's winning - just for the sake of the prizes. There were arguments and complains about who don't deserve to win and there were finger pointings at who main tipu, who ran instead of walk, bla bla bla. I stood there, witnessing everything, every kind of different situations and characters. Everyone swarmed to the starting point when it was about to start, but when the horn went off, those in the front line disappeared into thin air, while those behind - walked a few steps and then lepak at the pondok just in front of the starting line and wait for the whole thing to finish. wtf?! Even all the strokists walked the whole round, and you people; with perfectly functional hands and legs just stood there fanning yourself and wait for the rest to come back? Do you even feel ashamed for yourself? 'Coz I do for you. Win or not, it's the procedures that matters. I see the strokists was already so happy that they actually finished the walk, they are already a winner in heart.
Being able to come and see this event was an eye opener for me. I have participated in activities back in our Humanitarian Club during high school - visits to elderly homes, hospitals, orphanages, mental wards - been there done that. But witnessing walkathons or jogathons like this, is my first time. And I felt privileged having given the chance to witnessed it. With due respect, I did not snap any photos of the strokists, because I never know if they'd like their pictures taken and being post on the net. I have pictures of myself though. But I don't know you guys want to see the strokists more or me lar, I assume it's me so... *perasan* Hahaha!
Fore Dakar Kurum - See you again in Bangladeshi language (-.-)"